What is CMS and benefits of it?

on Friday, April 16, 2010

CMS means Content Management System, is a method of
creating website pages without knowing how to program html code. These
systems consist of software with 100-1000 files installed on your server that
automate the process of easily creating new pages. Users have an admin
backend panel where they can add, edit, or delete content as plain text,
plus upload photographs or graphics to include on their pages.
Custom CMS software may be purchased from a commercial company, or
site owners may choose free open source software. Each may require
significant modification to create a truly custom website look, and very few
use the latest code standards to xhtml and css. Older html, especially when
using "tables for layout", will result in bloated code or may have display
problems with cross browser compatibility compared to xhtml with css.

Features and Benefits:-

The CMS package designs I offer are to the latest standards in xhtml with
css, so pages will load faster and the design will function well now and into
the future. Once the custom graphics are created and the software is
installed and customized, and then the initial website is launched, site
owners may take over full control of their website to manage content.
Unlike commercial standard cms templates that are sold to the public, a
custom CMS web design system from a web developer and graphics artist
like me will have a unique look. Technically every website design is a
template because each page on the site requires a consistent look.


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